
Just Knowing! But can you Hack it!?

This is a story about healing technology and how you apply it in your life! Iā€™m really grateful to my students, they teach me new things daily!…

Hacking Healing, Boule and Dr Roger Banister.

What did we say before kids and nefarious evil states started to break into other peopleā€™s software!? I guess, ā€œFiguring out a way to get throughā€ how…

Faith, Belief, Flow and Trueself

Do you ever wonder what makes the difference between a miracle healing and somebody who passes away?…

Pay it Forward Healing Fund

Dear friends, Please excuse the ā€œOpenā€ letter. You may have seen today a ā€œFlareā€ fired off on Facebook this morning, highlighting my agitation with…

She healed her thyroid tumours!

This lady healed her thyroid tumours on her own, in less than a month!…

Healing Facial Cancer

Healing himself from Facial Cancer

This photo shows a man in China who has almost healed his Facial Cancer in Three weeks! I just missed meeting the gentleman in this astonishing…

Time to come to China with me!

Dear Friends, On September 26th 2019, I’ll be leading a trip to the wonderful Hainan Island, The Hawaii of China! Last year I spent two amazing…

MingJue Meditation

Dear Zhineng Qigong friends, Our friend Teacher Wei has over the past few months been holding powerful online (on Zoom) meditations, called MingJue…

Life – It's a Bitch! Smile!

How and when did we suddenly become so unhappy? Whatā€™s changed? ā€“ For a minor misdemeanour, will you have your hand cut off? Is a random cough on the…

Come to Provence with Me!

Dear friends, I’ll be leading the Qigong, and offering One-to-one therapy sessions once again on Dr Rosy Daniel’s retreat in Provence…