The Nature of the Universe

The Nature of the Universe

Collect 100 different coloured ribbons of varying width and length.Find 200 different coloured lengths and sizes of string, yarn and thread.Put them all into a tumble dryer and rotate for a few days.The resulting would be the best description of reality that I can...
When Students use Qigong as a Magic Amulet!

When Students use Qigong as a Magic Amulet!

It often comes round through conversations with students that they use Qigong as a magic amulet! The conversation goes like this..“I love my Qigong.. I still take all my medication, but I’m sure my qigong is really helping too..”Those of you who have studied with me...
Buddhism, Daoism  –  Criticism!

Buddhism, Daoism  –  Criticism!

This week I was called out by one of my students for mocking Buddhism! I really don’t think that was my intention, but clearly, that’s how it came out in my student’s opinion. This has been an interesting year for me.I have spent much time contemplating the nature of...
Getting Old!

Getting Old!

Life, Our Universe, Layer upon Layer of information, but is it relevant to you!? It’s the old story, If you are thirsty, should you start digging the Well now?No, you should have started weeks ago when there was water, planning for the future..Life is so...
How can I convince you about Awareness?

How can I convince you about Awareness?

You have a tumour, I say “disassociate yourself from the pain” You suffered terrible abuse as a child, I say “disassociate yourself from your story” Your child dies at three years old from Leukaemia I say… what do I say? How do I explain any of it to you?I imagine...