What do you need to know!?
I can help!

This past five years I have been studying the ancient Chinese divination tools, The wonderful Bazi – “the road map to our lives.” and the amazing I Ching
These tools have distinctly different uses.

Would you like to discover your true Characteristics, the things that make you who you are, or crucially who you can become.
Why does your destiny unfold in a certain manner? – (Clue – Because you character drives you to make decisions in a particular way) – It’s time to understand your Destiny
How many times do you find yourself say “I don’t understand why..?”The manual for your life is the Bazi

Do you have a big question you need answering, then that’s the I Ching.

The Bazi readings are really in-depth, and take a minimum of ten hours intensive work and deep consideration to produce (Hence the price of £250 £200 for a short while..)
It generally covers such matters as Family, Wealth, Relationships, Work and Health.

The I Ching (pronounced Yee-ching) readings tend to answer one question.
“Would it be a good idea for me to change my job?”
“Would this be a good time to get married?”
“Would this be a good time to move to Canada?”
(They give a more simple output hence the £60 price tag)

Below you’ll find the Bazi form, and under that a pay button. Submit the form, then click through the payment gateway.

Would you like to have a Bazi Reading?

(I only accept a few commissions per month, so there may be a slight waiting list..)

Would you like an I Ching Reading

I'm away Sept - beginning of Nov 2024
Classes will still run on Zoom!