by Jeremy | Dec 2, 2024 | News
This might seem like a very simple question.I’d answer “I’m Jeremy” But who are you really..“I’m Jeremy, I’m a father, a son, a Qigong teacher, a therapist, a nerd, a lover not a fighter, a wood worker, good with my hands.. a music lover and ex Dj… crazy about Cats...
by Jeremy | May 10, 2023 | News
When I was a young man a great anger and non-conformity arose in music.The Punk Revolution tried to break the system it had been contained by and reinvent music in one sweep. Bands had the temerity to sing about police brutality, state control, and the insidious...
by Jeremy | Feb 9, 2023 | News
Collect 100 different coloured ribbons of varying width and length.Find 200 different coloured lengths and sizes of string, yarn and thread.Put them all into a tumble dryer and rotate for a few days.The resulting would be the best description of reality that I can...
by Jeremy | Dec 19, 2022 | News
There must have been a day, somewhere in the fourteenth century, when the King of England was actually in touch with everything that concerned his country.There must be a date somewhere in history, when it actually became too complex for a leader to keep all the...
by Jeremy | Nov 12, 2022 | News
It often comes round through conversations with students that they use Qigong as a magic amulet! The conversation goes like this..“I love my Qigong.. I still take all my medication, but I’m sure my qigong is really helping too..”Those of you who have studied with me...