by Jeremy | May 10, 2023 | News
When I was a young man a great anger and non-conformity arose in music.The Punk Revolution tried to break the system it had been contained by and reinvent music in one sweep. Bands had the temerity to sing about police brutality, state control, and the insidious...
by Jeremy | Jul 10, 2020 | News
Sadly the “problem” of Britishness doesn’t just affect British people! It’s a universal problem!We used to see it as a benefit, but times have changed, technology has evolved, and slaughter and pillage are less rampant! Let me outline the problems I faced and see in... by Jeremy | Oct 9, 2010 | News
With thanks to Dr Mercola, I wanted to republish a large chunk of an email he sent through to me regarding Mental Health, and the connection that good physical health has to good mental health. “Depression used to have a very good outcome. If you came to your...