by Jeremy | Feb 9, 2023 | News
Collect 100 different coloured ribbons of varying width and length.Find 200 different coloured lengths and sizes of string, yarn and thread.Put them all into a tumble dryer and rotate for a few days.The resulting would be the best description of reality that I can...
by Jeremy | Dec 22, 2021 | News
“As above, so below” goes the old Chinese adage We see the holistic idea of the Microcosms embedded inside the Macrocosmic. But what exactly is Consciousness, and how does it relate to the Universe?What’s meant by the term Information? In Zhineng Qigong’s “Hun Yuan...
by Jeremy | Dec 6, 2021 | News
I wanted to delve into Chronic Illness and the Healing process.“Chronic illness” should really be termed “Lifestyle choices” in my opinion. What we decide to eat, what we decide to work at, and how we run our relationships govern the health of our bodies. My Medical...