The Nature of the Universe

Let me untangle the fabric of the conscious universe for you, based on my personal experience.

When Students use Qigong as a Magic Amulet!

Use the Power of your mind to heal your body (In my weekly classes!)

The Church of the Conscious Mind

As people turn away from Religion, and become disillusioned with Politics, what’s left?
Why do we have this hollow feeling that we’ve missed something, or that we’ve been cheated?
Let me guide you through the minefield!
Together we consider an evolution of the species, and the salvation of Earth!

Consciousness and Information

How do Consciousness and Information relate to healing and to the structure of our Universe!?

The Worst Addiction I ever had – Getting off Sugar!

In the Scotland of my childhood there was a very simple equation. Sugar = Love I’ve been trying to shake it’s effects for years, but have recently been helped by a great book called “Licking The Sugar Habit” As with all good addictions you have to be seriously invested in the process, or there no …