A New Story This Christmas

A New Story This Christmas

Every Christmas in the West, we are reminded of the Christmas Story, that’s so central to Christianity – It’s right there in the word Christmas! Christianity’s story is a bit bleak.Behave well, and you’ll get a nice place when you die – live life as a Libertine,...
The Nature of the Universe

The Nature of the Universe

Collect 100 different coloured ribbons of varying width and length.Find 200 different coloured lengths and sizes of string, yarn and thread.Put them all into a tumble dryer and rotate for a few days.The resulting would be the best description of reality that I can...
When Students use Qigong as a Magic Amulet!

When Students use Qigong as a Magic Amulet!

It often comes round through conversations with students that they use Qigong as a magic amulet! The conversation goes like this..“I love my Qigong.. I still take all my medication, but I’m sure my qigong is really helping too..”Those of you who have studied with me...
The Church of the Conscious Mind

The Church of the Conscious Mind

Consciousness is the new religion. We hear that 25% of the American public have deserted church in the past 20 years, a trend that doesn’t seem to be abating either.That represents 82 million people who have changed their belief systems, an astonishing...
Parallel Lives – A True story (-ish)

Parallel Lives – A True story (-ish)

For many years we have heard the Sci-fi idea of a Parallel Universe.I want to tell you a story about one of those parallel Universes.In this alternate reality, the people were very like us.The rushed about, lead stressful lives and fought each-other for limited...