More accurately Riders OF the storm.Life is a continuously spinning vortex.We are caught up in it’s never-ending spin-cycle, sometimes the spin is slow and continuous, sometimes, like when you put a heavy towel inside your washing machine, the cycle surges and bumps...
The stream of consciousness flows no matter what..We are just points of light dotted throughout the firmament. Points of pure consciousness with time and light streaming through us.I once had a vision of the future ahead of me, I stood in the Standing Qigong posture,...
It’s going to take utter faith and determination to get through this!(It doesn’t matter what this “This” actually is!) How do we “get through” anything? It often seems that if we can just get through the next few days/weeks/year, that things will be better.It’s about...
I owe a huge debt of gratitude and love to my mother and father.My lovely mother quietly passed away at the beginning of this year.She felt her time had come and wanted to tarry no more.She’d outlived two husbands and being a person whose life purpose seemed to be as...
Good relationships take lots of energy.Stay healthy to keep your relationships on track. Exhaustion makes it difficult to love oneself, let alone others! There’s a baseline to health, below which it’s very difficult to spare any energy for other people.Illness and low...