The French Camino

The French Camino

I’m at the 300Km mark as I write this short note.I’m in a City called Burgos, a European Heritage site, the home of El Cid, a wonderful Cathedral and the Museum of Evolution of Man.I’ve just walked through Atapuerca, a famous pre-historic dig site, where they...
Death – there is thy sting!

Death – there is thy sting!

Let’s take Enlightenment as our starting point. The realisation that we really are all One, not intellectually, but really experiencing the one-ness of it all. The blinding understanding that all there is, is Awareness. Awareness is the Unity that every seeker seeks,...
Vaccine Excitement – Maybe!

Vaccine Excitement – Maybe!

I’m excited about the Real potential of the Covid Vaccine! This week I envisage a brighter future, I’ll certainly not be volunteering my arm any time soon, but if I find that I can no longer leave Somerset without it, then sure, shoot me up! I’m thinking about...