The Universe’s Spleen

The Universe’s Spleen

In Chinese Medicine, the debate rages about Spleen or Pancreas..Ok, I’ve over thought that..This debate isn’t raging anywhere except my head..Seventy percent of the teachers I’ve worked with go for Spleen as the organ concerned with the gathering of...
The “Arc” of my Belief Cycle

The “Arc” of my Belief Cycle

(And how it might relate to Yin and Yang theory!) The old joke goes “We ARE the people our parents warned us about!” Dear readers, I’m going to need an archetype for this story. How about we take the midline as a middle class British guy?  – yes I know it’s lazy...
Strong information – Strong reaction?

Strong information – Strong reaction?

I quote Dr Jennifer Kunst here, with thanks.. Maybe you know the saying, “When you point one finger, there are three fingers pointing back to you.”Jesus had a version of this wisdom when he said, “Don’t focus on the speck in your brother’s eye while ignoring...
Vaccine Excitement – Maybe!

Vaccine Excitement – Maybe!

I’m excited about the Real potential of the Covid Vaccine! This week I envisage a brighter future, I’ll certainly not be volunteering my arm any time soon, but if I find that I can no longer leave Somerset without it, then sure, shoot me up! I’m thinking about...
The case of the missing Trueself

The case of the missing Trueself

In this article, I try to answer the minefield of a question “Do I make myself ill!?” I delve into the facets of our self-conscious that can hold illness in place and I look at a new way of being that could solve all the world’s problems!   Carl...