The “Arc” of my Belief Cycle

The “Arc” of my Belief Cycle

(And how it might relate to Yin and Yang theory!) The old joke goes “We ARE the people our parents warned us about!” Dear readers, I’m going to need an archetype for this story. How about we take the midline as a middle class British guy?  – yes I know it’s lazy...
Not inspired to write..

Not inspired to write..

But I am inspired to “Just be…” Are our leaders crooks, bending the rules, using public funds to decorate their flats? Has the whole Coronavirus sage been a total hype, and the biggest financial rip off in history? Where has all the public’s money disappeared too? Why...


Unhappiness Bryan Hubbard, in his excellent book “Time-Light” says the following.. When we are children, we start out as time light, we have had but a few experiences that we have not been able to completely understand – life seems to have an eternal glow, which we...

The Worst Addiction I ever had – Getting off Sugar!

In the Scotland of my childhood there was a very simple equation. Sugar = Love I’ve been trying to shake it’s effects for years, but have recently been helped by a great book called “Licking The Sugar Habit” As with all good addictions you have...

Magnetism vs Chi – what do you think?

Magnetism vs Chi (what!?) …an appeal for further ideas! I’m at struggling with a problem! Why are we so obsessed by Magnetism? What, if you pardon the terrible pun, is the attraction? My son is a great example of this 21st century trend. His films and TV are 95%...