Dear Friends,There are many Zhineng Qigong Teachers doing the rounds these days. It’s always good to try out different teachers to find what suits you best.I have met and worked with many. The most complete teachers in my opinion are Teachers Lu and Ling.Teacher...
Where did Shame go? I was reading and thinking a bit about shame. In Chinese medicine it’s seen as being one of the emotions that “lives” in the Lungs!An acupuncturist friend of mine once told me that if you practice in the West, a huge amount of general cases you see...
Dear Readers, You know when you keep hearing about something again and again till it gets to the point that you think. “OK, I got it! I’ll look into it!” Well that happened over November, December and January. I had always known about rebirthing for...
Unhappiness Bryan Hubbard, in his excellent book “Time-Light” says the following.. When we are children, we start out as time light, we have had but a few experiences that we have not been able to completely understand – life seems to have an eternal glow, which we...
I was fascinated by a BBC programme last night that showed after the age of 60 women experience three times the levels of bone loss than that on men. it suggested that exercise helps solve this, I suggest something more specific! Qigong! ‘Osteoporosis and...