Breaking Free Intensive – Lu and Ling

Breaking Free Intensive – Lu and Ling

My teacher’s from China, Teachers Lu and Ling are offering a further in-depth course on Zoom.As the title suggests, the course is designed to help you learn how to heal yourself, by breaking free from the old patterns that hold us in illness.For those who have...

Re-Birthing – I'm now fully qualified!

Dear Readers, You know when you keep hearing about something again and again till it gets to the point that you think. “OK, I got it! I’ll look into it!” Well that happened over November, December and January. I had always known about rebirthing for...

Healings and Extra weekend course – Lu and Ling

Teachers Lu and Ling will be joining our healing sessions! Tuesday 2nd July – the healing session has had to be moved to 7pm Tuesday 9th July – 11am as per usual Tuesdays July 16th, 23rd and 30th with Teachers Lu and Ling 10:30am to midday. There are then...