by Jeremy | Jun 20, 2019 | Healing Stories, News
The lady above healed her thyroid tumours in just under one month! I was lucky enough to meet this lady, and her lovely son, in person, just after she had had her scan in this room, and received the great news! I PERSONALLY have copies of the before and after scans... by Jeremy | Jul 1, 2013 | News
Teachers Lu and Ling will be joining our healing sessions! Tuesday 2nd July – the healing session has had to be moved to 7pm Tuesday 9th July – 11am as per usual Tuesdays July 16th, 23rd and 30th with Teachers Lu and Ling 10:30am to midday. There are then... by Jeremy | Apr 29, 2013 | News
STOP PRESS – UPDATES and Healing Sessions Jianshe’s Workshops in UK 2013 LONDON May 25th 26th 27th 3 day Qigong Workshop ‘Deepen your practice and experience of Zhineng Qigong and Healing’ We will practise Lift qi Up and Pour Qi Down, 3 Centres Merge, and La Qi... by Jeremy | Feb 11, 2013 | News
We don’t have an exact venue for this yet, but think it will be in the Waterloo area of London on 17th to 19th May. If you’d like to register your interest, please email me here! by Jeremy | Jan 24, 2010 | News
My good friend Caroline Whyman and Jianshe are holding a course in CHINA! It has limited places, please give the following your closest attention. My West Norwood class details follow it What follows is from Caroline’s email… “Dear Qigong Friends, I...