She healed her two Thyroid tumours in just under a month!

The lady above healed her thyroid tumours in just under one month!

I was lucky enough to meet this lady, and her lovely son, in person, just after she had had her scan in this room, and received the great news!

I PERSONALLY have copies of the before and after scans this lady was given.
In the first set of scans the tumour on the left hand side of her thyroid was measured at 7cms and the one on the right hand side at 3 cms.

As you see in the photo, there’s NO such evidence of her tumours at all!? How had she healed her thyroid tumours?

When I met her, she had just had her second scan, you can see the joy in her face!
It had taken her about 30 days of meditation and the La Qi self-healing exercise to shrink her 3 cm tumour completely. ( I teach these exercises on our retreats.)
Her 7 cm tumour, when this photo was taken was barely detectable at 3 mms!

Unable to walk

Her lovely son had brought her to the centre in Xi’an in China that I was visiting a month before we arrived.
She couldn’t walk on her own, the tumours had grown so big, that she couldn’t look down to the ground, and had to be lead by hand.

Therefore, She embarked on a programme of self-healing to help heal her thyroid tumours, using the simple Zhineng Qigong exercises that can be easily learned from myself or any of the teachers who have trained at my school

You can see her amazing results in the photo, she was just one of 1000’s of stories of people from the west and the east using Zhineng Qigong to heal themselves!


We are off to Scotland on the 16th of July 2019 for an eight day retreat, where you can learn these forms, and much, much more!

So, I’ll personally be leading a retreat to China on 26th Sept 2019 to Hainan Island, “The Hawaii of China”. Come with me, and discover the healing powers of Qigong, in this amazing tropical setting see my Events page

Download the brochure by clicking here, and looking in your “Downloads” folder!