This photo shows a man in China who has almost healed his Facial Cancer in Three weeks!
I just missed meeting the gentleman in this astonishing photograph when I went to visit the centre in Xi’an.
You can see the pretty heavy before and the greatly improved after photo that I was sent.
I’m sure you are wondering what he did to bring about this healing of his Facial Cancer
Each day he focused on the Zhineng Qigong healing meditation called La Qi.
It’s one of the most simple tools I teach, but I have found it to be one of the most effective.
Clearly this man still has work to do, but the interval between the first and second photo?
That’s all it took him, three weeks of concerted effort, and deep belief that he could heal himself. Healing Facial Cancer in three weeks..!
We now run intensive retreats here in the UK.
See the Events page for further details
I also see clients on a One-to-one basis in Bath, but also on Skype, so it’s feasible for you to learn this simple healing exercise yourself in an hour, with me online! See my Therapy Page here
I also host a self healing class, every Wednesday morning at 9am on the “Zoom” platform online. We get together as a group, for a self-healing session. See more on my Classes page here