My teacher’s from China, Teachers Lu and Ling are offering a further in-depth course on Zoom.
As the title suggests, the course is designed to help you learn how to heal yourself, by breaking free from the old patterns that hold us in illness.
For those who have already studied them, this will help you go deeper, and cement your Theory and Practice
For new students, it’ll be a chance to increase practice levels, and learn some new theory.
Find a PDF with details here:-
The Course runs over 16 weekends.
There’s a lesson each Saturday and Sunday lunchtime, with both practice and theory.
If you are away, then there’s a recording released the next day, for you to catch-up with.
I will personally support you on your journey, offering a Theory class every week, to review the weekend, and to host a forum, where we can discuss things that are arising from the work.
You will also have access to the wider UK study group too.
Each week there will be at least four support sessions for you to attend.
The Cost is £195 per unit, or £331.50 if paid together.
(If you have already been on their other programmes you can save 20%)
They also offer great “bring some friends” deals too!
I can’t recommend them highly enough as teachers.
Breaking free intensive course
“Completion and deep practice”
1st Block
September 11 – October 3
2nd Block
October 23 – November 14 (16 weekend sessions)
Video catch up available if you are not able to make any class
Watch their Free sessions to get a feel of the course
July 6th:-
July 20th:-
Join in with the forthcoming sessions, to see if you like the Teachers! – Next free session:- Aug 17th and Sept 5th
Ready to sign up with me? CLICK THIS LINK!
Please click the following Paypal Link if you are ready to pay..
If you have a Paypal account, then just follow it though as normal. (Press the “Donate” button, and fill in the appropriate amount)
The Cost is £195 per unit, or £331.50 if paid together.
If you’d like to use a Debit card, there’s also that option to select on the Paypal gateway, without the need to have an account. (Press the “Donate with Card” button, and fill in the appropriate amount)
We cannot accept payment for Lu and Ling to the 3 Monkeys Bank account I’m sorry to say, so direct payments are out!
Questions? Please email or call me.
Teacher’s Lu and Ling’s website