You have a tumour, I say “disassociate yourself from the pain” You suffered terrible abuse as a child, I say “disassociate yourself from your story” Your child dies at three years old from Leukaemia I say… what do I say? How do I explain any of it to you?I imagine you’d just like to tell …
Tag archives: Dr Pang
Brave New World – Utopia or Dope-topia!?
Brave New World.
But what would a non-dystopian version of a brave new world look like?
Your Life Ain’t Worth Sh*t
Who am I? NO, really ask yourself, deep inside, who am I!
“Let’s Talk about Sets Baby..” – Mindsets!
Why is your glass half empty, when mine is half full!? Why does one person believe that the World is a cruel place, when another feels like a kid in a candy store? What are the factors that define our behaviours, create our Mindsets and therefore our Worldviews? A big “up” to Rebel Wisdom, Daniel …
Continue reading ““Let’s Talk about Sets Baby..” – Mindsets!”