The Universe’s Spleen

In Chinese Medicine, the debate rages about Spleen or Pancreas..Ok, I’ve over thought that..This debate isn’t raging anywhere except my head..Seventy percent of the teachers I’ve worked with go for Spleen as the organ concerned with the gathering of Qi from food, and that it’s associated with the emotion of Worry and Over-thinking… (it’s often …

Enlightenment and Healing – are you getting what I’m selling!?

What makes a Miracle?
How do you find the drive to make one for yourself?
Read on!

How can I convince you about Awareness?

You have a tumour, I say “disassociate yourself from the pain” You suffered terrible abuse as a child, I say “disassociate yourself from your story” Your child dies at three years old from Leukaemia I say… what do I say? How do I explain any of it to you?I imagine you’d just like to tell …

Personality Crisis

Taking inspiration from The New York Dolls, and the Punk movement,
I delve into “personality” and how to carve it down to size!
I use my life as my canvas, and my practice as a guide for you!

The Existence of God – 2020

It seems appropriate for a Sunday morning to be pondering the existence of God in the twenty first century. I would think there’s not a bad time to be pondering such a thing ever, but certainly Sunday seems to have been designated his day. (Although for somebody who created the entire Universe, it seems a …

Life – It's a Bitch! Smile!

How and when did we suddenly become so unhappy? What’s changed? – For a minor misdemeanour, will you have your hand cut off? Is a random cough on the train likely to lead you to a hideous death from Tuberculosis? Will a bad headache be left untended for day after day, or lead to your …

Why You Should Be Aware Of Quantum Physics

by John Assaraf Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again. Nothing is solid. This is the world of Quantum Physics. They have proven that thoughts are what put together and hold …

I'm away Sept - beginning of Nov 2024
Classes will still run on Zoom!