Lu and Ling China Trip 2024

Lu and Ling China Trip 2024

Having visited China three times before to be on retreat with Teachers Lu and Ling, I can tell you from personal experience that it’s one of the most formative and change-making experiences of my adult life.I intend to go again this year.The course is from May...
Buddhism, Daoism  –  Criticism!

Buddhism, Daoism  –  Criticism!

This week I was called out by one of my students for mocking Buddhism! I really don’t think that was my intention, but clearly, that’s how it came out in my student’s opinion. This has been an interesting year for me.I have spent much time contemplating the nature of...
Getting Old!

Getting Old!

Life, Our Universe, Layer upon Layer of information, but is it relevant to you!? It’s the old story, If you are thirsty, should you start digging the Well now?No, you should have started weeks ago when there was water, planning for the future..Life is so...
What is the real practice?

What is the real practice?

The article below is written by my Teacher Lu Zhengdao In it he uses a few “Zhineng Qigong” terms.Trueself – Just “I am” – with no stories or thoughtsFrame of Reference – All the thoughts, stories and patterns that make up...