Buddhism, Daoism  –  Criticism!

This week I was called out by one of my students for mocking Buddhism! I really don’t think that was my intention, but clearly, that’s how it came out in my student’s opinion. This has been an interesting year for me.I have spent much time contemplating the nature of the Universe! I’m not sure that …

Enlightenment and Healing – are you getting what I’m selling!?

What makes a Miracle?
How do you find the drive to make one for yourself?
Read on!

“Let’s Talk about Sets Baby..” – Mindsets!

Why is your glass half empty, when mine is half full!? Why does one person believe that the World is a cruel place, when another feels like a kid in a candy store? What are the factors that define our behaviours, create our Mindsets and therefore our Worldviews? A big “up” to Rebel Wisdom, Daniel …

Just Knowing! But can you Hack it!?

This is a story about healing technology and how you apply it in your life! I’m really grateful to my students, they teach me new things daily! Recently, I posted a story about Faith and Belief. I was lucky enough to get some personal and exceptionally visceral feedback from one lovely student. Whilst on retreat, …