
Go to sleep for 20 years!

Most New Age philosophies are designed to keep you asleep! Wake Up Now! (Or not…up to you!)…

Nano Soma Spray

Nano Soma policosanol nano food supplement released in the UK. It shows great health results…

Parallel Lives – A True story (-ish)

For many years we have heard the Sci-fi idea of a Parallel Universe. I want to tell you a story about one of those parallel Universes…

Blind Faith and Modern Life

It’s going to take utter faith and determination to get through this! Don’t lose faith in Qigong!…


n the West we pathologise Depersonalisation, in Eastern Spirituality they actively seek it! What a Dichotomy! I dive into the Ocean, and emerge as a…

Consciousness and Information

How do Consciousness and Information relate to healing and to the structure of our Universe!?…

Stress is killing you!

Life is Stressful, maybe we should just delete the word stress and substitute “STRESS!” I dig into stress, illness and self-healing…

Spleen Qi and Corona Virus

Coronavirus has made it hard to meditate!…

Is Zoom killing the Real World Experience?

Is Zoom killing the Real World Experience? Time to get back in the classroom! Online information is an addiction!…

Why I could NEVER do Qigong, Meditation, Yoga, Tai chi…etc..

Why bother doing Qigong, surely my doctor will fix me!?…