Strong information – Strong reaction?

What did your Teacher or friend just say?
How dare they say that!
How did you just react? Did you ever try pointing the finger at yourself first, before you let your emotions boil over?

The Many Faces we need..

Humanity is shifting, but it’s not easy to be a part of! Explore with me as we dig into Bliss and Awareness!

The Evolution of Spiritual Man

The dawn of Man, Migration, Proto-Indo-European languages lead to Sanskrit, The Samarian Empire, Hinduism, Hebrew, Egyptian culture, Greece, Rome..
what a long journey to our Spiritual selves today!
I plot a twisting path, to show the power of the Information in The Upanishads, and it’s continued relevance to you – today – right now!

Saving our Planet, One Consciousness at a Time

Use your Consciousness to Save our planet! Find out how in this article!

How can I convince you about Awareness?

You have a tumour, I say “disassociate yourself from the pain” You suffered terrible abuse as a child, I say “disassociate yourself from your story” Your child dies at three years old from Leukaemia I say… what do I say? How do I explain any of it to you?I imagine you’d just like to tell …