The Six Sacred Sounds or Six Healing Sounds

In my Medical Qigong work I have long used healing sounds.
Now that my focus is much more with Zhineng Qigong, I’m tending to work more with the healing sounds from that form; the only drawback being is that they are slightly more complex to learn. For this reason I have decided to offer the more simple to access five elements sounds that I also use (Yes I know there are six of them!! Go figure! If you complete all five, maybe you get a bonus sound?)
The instructions suggest different postures and hand positions, which add to the efficiency, but I find they can all be effective in a Standing or Sitting posture, with the palms opposite the organ in question (Up by your shoulders for Lungs, down by your belly for Liver etc…)
For all healing sounds, inhale with weight shifted slightly to the toes to access the fire energy, exhale with weight shifted slightly to the back to access the kidney water.
On beginning of exhalation lift and close anal sphincter to create a “Drum” between the pelvic diaphragm and the urogenital diaphragm, slightly grip the ground with your toes.
Always feel as if you are inhaling through every pore of your body to and the energy is going down to your Lowe  DanTian (try to always use the nose for inhaling and exhale through the Mouth, whilst putting your attention in the specific organ and expelling toxic Qi.
Let the sound stimulate the affected tissue

  1. Liver:-  Sound is “Xu” pronounced “Shuuuu” stand in Wuji (with hands above forehead –fingers interlaced.) (Spring)
  2. Heart:- Sound is “Ke” (Ka) pronounced “Haaaa” stand in Wuji (with hands above bai hui fingertips pointing to each other, just apart.)(Summer)
  3. Spleen:- Sound is “Hu” pronounced “Who ooo” stand in Wuji (with hands above head, body bent sideways to the right, fingers interlaced.)(Late Summer)
  4. Lungs:- Sound is “Si” pronounced “Sssssss” stand in Wuji (with hands above shoulders, fingertips towards the ears.) (Autumn)
  5. Kidneys:- Sound is “Chui” pronounced “Chew-eee” stand in Wuji or (stand with feet together , palms on knees – Mingmen pushed out backwards.) (Winter)
  6. Triple Burners:- Sound is “Xi” pronounced “Sheeee” stand in Wuji or ( lie down flat on your back) – See this final tone as a practice to bring together all the other five tones.

For a general set you might practice all tones 6 – 9 times – if you wish to work more in one particular area you could double amounts of tones for that organ. go through the sounds in the order above starting with the season you are in. Always finish with tone 6 (Triple Burners)
So if it was summertime, start with the heart and cycle through the five organs – 2,3,4,5 and 1 and then add 6 on the end!
Don’t forget to close down after having practiced these tones. Focus into lower DanTian
Click this link for a short recording of the sounds

Published by Jeremy

Jeremy is a Qigong student of over 30 years, and a Qigong Teacher of over 20 years. Jeremy offers online classes, and One to one sessions on Zoom. Jeremy offers physical classes and therapies in Bath, UK