As some of you know, I now work with Dr Rosy Daniel, at Health Creation,
Included in the Cancer Lifeline Kit are a set of wonderful recipes created by her friend Jane Sen – (See more about Jane on Amazon)
(Purchase the full set here!)
In the chilly dark days of Autumn (sliding steadily into Winter..Brrrrr) I have found a new ally from amongst these recipes!

Immune Support Soup

10 Fresh shitake mushrooms, sliced
(If dried, soak in warm water for 10 mins before slicing) – I like to reuse this soaking water in the soup!
4inch piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and grated
4 big cloves of garlic, grated3 Pints (1 1/2 lt , six generous cups) spring or filtered water
Simmer together for 30mins
6 teasposns miso paste
6 spring onions, thinly sliced
Stir into the soup to melt miso, do not boil
Serve hot!
(I often add Noodles and greens, as I’m not dealing with any particular health or diet issues)