Dr Young’s Starter Kit is here!


perfectlyhealthy Mega Greens Powder (227g / 1/2Ib)
£32.99 (Click to go to my affiliate supplier!)

Mega Greens is a highly dense blend of alkaline ingredients!

  • The most cost-effective green drink at just 35p per serving – almost half the price of other greens!
  • Contains 34 alkaline ingredients – making it one of the most popular greens !
  • Contains a unique blend of naturally occurring amino acids, alkaline grasses, vegetables, sprouts and more!
  • Feel the impact immediately from this highly alkaline green drink


pHion pH Booster – Alkalising pH Drops

Affordable, Highly Alkaline Water 24/7
Getting enough water each day is absolutely critical to your health. But did you know that the quality of the water you drink is just as important as the quantity?
With a little help from pH Booster, you can turn ordinary water into an alkaline, ionised, oxygenated, super drink!


Energise Alkaline Water Jug £61.99

The Energise Alkaline Water Jug is a simple, cost effective solution to give you great quality, clean and alkaline water.
Drinking good quality alkaline water is the absolute cornerstone of the alkaline approach to health. As you probably know, tap water is full of toxins, bacteria, chlorine, fluoride and more and most often has an acidic pH.
If you are drinking 3-4 litres of water per day, and this source of water is your tap – you’re filling your body with an acidity!
By simply using the Energise Alkaline Water Jug you are not only taking your tap water up to a delicious pH 8, but you’re also filtering out a lot of the rubbish that is in our water supply.
Now we aren’t claiming that this filtration can compete with an undersink filter, but it DOES remove a lot of the rubbish that the water companies happily let sit in our water supply and flow through our taps.
This is by far the most cost-effective way of getting on the alkaline water, quickly and easily.
The Alkaline Water Jug is also easily transportable which almost makes it a must-have!
Imagine having alkaline water, on tap, directly on your office desk!