I’ve been reading two fantastic books by Andreas Moritz which may be the MOST IMPORTANT books I’ve read to date! (I guess that’s just the path of ones personal development, every book that presents itself to one seems that way!) That’s quite a “gush” but I really think it to be so. Ok, his first book is pretty specialised on the face of it, it’s called Cancer Is Not A Disease – It’s A Survival Mechanism!
[amazon-product image=”51Lt%2BhOED%2BL._SL110_.jpg” region=”uk” type=”image”]097679442X[/amazon-product]
it’s not really specialised at all seeing as 30 to 50% of people face a brush with Cancer of some sort. It also has detail about Heart disease and Diabetes too. It offers the first plausible reasons I have seen to the old question, “why would my body turn against me?” Not only that, it offers a simple and painless solution to improve your health overnight! (I tried it, will vouch for it, ENJOYED IT, and will recommend it to anybody who is willing to listen!)
The solution is detailed in his second book, The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush!
[amazon-product image=”51X%2Be%2B2zVLL._SL110_.jpg” region=”uk” type=”image”]0976571501[/amazon-product]
This details the actual flush itself, and adds extra info, as to why one should do it! (They both have pretty nasty pictures, which rather serve as an impetus to flush I found!)
24/01/10 – Just finished my second Flush. It’s amazing how good it can make you feel: very light and energetic!
I heartily reccomend these two books to you!
Click on the books to purchase them from Amazon!