I shall be attending Grand Master Chen Xiao Wang’s Seminar on the 10th and 11th of November, and hope that I can persuade you to come too!
I have been attending Grand Master Chen’s Seminars for about ten years now, and continue to find them excellent, educational and uplifting!
This year I’m doing the two courses that run on the Sat/Sun morning (Chan Si Jing or Silk Reeling Energy Exercises), and the Sat/Sun afternoon (6 Healing Sounds Qigong) too! If you are a Tai-chi player, the there are other seminars that might suit you better.
There is also the stunning opportunity to to learn the Taiji Dao Form in it’s entirety (The Broad Sword form!)
Check out www.wctauk.com
This is a link to the Seminar Pdf http://www.wctauk.com/images/%20seminar2012.pdf
You can print it out, and send the form back if you’d like to book something.
Alternatively, there are also details of Patrick Wan who is the organiser on the pdf, if you have further questions.
Book early to avoid a disappointment!