In Chinese Medicine, the debate rages about Spleen or Pancreas..
Ok, I’ve over thought that..
This debate isn’t raging anywhere except my head..
Seventy percent of the teachers I’ve worked with go for Spleen as the organ concerned with the gathering of Qi from food, and that it’s associated with the emotion of Worry and Over-thinking… (it’s often pointed too when talking about Sugar Addiction also..)
The other thirty percent subscribe to the idea that when Westerners started to learn Chinese Medicine, that there was a miss-translation, or misunderstanding between them and their Chinese teachers, and the Spleen was wrongly named as the primary organ, whilst the Pancreas should be awarded the dubious accolade..
I’ve certainly been told that Liver and Pancrease are so similar in many functions that they should be seen as “twins separated at birth”
Maybe the truth lies in a blend.
Some more physical functions Spleen goes with Liver, some more “Qi” functions Spleen shares with Pancreas..
As you see, Overthinking can be a curse as well as a blessing!!
For example, I was overthinking about the meaning of life!
I mean, what’s the point!?
Clearly, like all other species, we are here To spread our seed..
(I often wonder why Pandas are so rubbish at this task.. Maybe it just gives us something more to care for them about..!? We have to given them beautiful enclosures, where they get fed, watered and have beautiful Panda partners forced on them…)
Sometime I drean of life as a Panda…
Our Speciality “skill-set ” seems to be Information…
We are super-skilled at creating and processing vast quantities of information.
A French philosopher once said..
“We live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning.”
(Jean Baudrillard)
Nothing happens by chance in our Universe.
Clearly The Dao that flows through everything must have seen this as a beneficial idea for itself..
Perhaps The Dao has recently become surprised that we have taken this idea and run with it in such a passionate and somewhat crazy way..
The understanding of Quantum Physics is that at the boundary of our Universe there’s a layer of Information. All that’s ever been known, all that ever will be known, somehow becoming the boundary marker that contains us.
As we continue to learn, we add to this ever growing “Library at the end of the Universe” – but for what purpose?
The Chinese say “As Above, so Below’
We on Earth, are just a Microcosm, mirroring the Macrocosm of the Heavens above..
I have to ask myself, if the Universe also has a sugar addiction?
Does the Universe recognise the fact that it’s badly Overthinking everything at the moment..
I wonder if the Universe is worrying a huge amount, unnecessarily about what’s taking place in its amazing creation!?
(it must feel a bit like “throwing a pot” in pottery class. There comes a moment where your beautiful creation is looking perfect, then suddenly it starts to wobble and spin, and then hurles itself against the adjacent wall!!)
The French Philosopher Blaise Pascal had it right I think when he stated “All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.”
A lifetime of study and Overthinking can seriously exhaust and deplete our resources.
There’s only one remedy..
Sitting quietly, no mind.. Maybe for weeks, or even years..
Seems the ancient sages figured that out..
Maybe it’s time to find a nice cave, and stop Overthinking all this garbage!!
Hao La!!