Bazi / I Ching

What do you need to know!?

I can help you!

This past five years I have been studying the ancient Chinese divination tools, The wonderful Bazi – “the road map to our lives” and the amazing I Ching.
These tools have distinctly different uses:

The Bazi:

  • Would you like to discover your true Characteristics, the things that make you who you are, or crucially who you can become
  • Why does your destiny unfold in a certain manner? Clue, Because you character drives you to make decisions in a particular way – It’s time to understand your Destiny!
  • How many times do you find yourself say “I don’t understand why..?” – The manual for your life is the Bazi

The Bazi readings are really in-depth, and take a minimum of ten hours intensive work and deep consideration to produce
Hence the price of
£250 £200 for a short while..
It generally covers such matters as Family, Wealth, Relationships, Work and Health.

The I Ching:

Pronounced Yee-ching, tends to answer one question:

  • “Would it be a good idea for me to change my job?”
  • “Would this be a good time to get married?”
  • “Would this be a good time to move to Canada?”

They give a more simple output hence the £60 price tag.

Would you like to have a Bazi or an I Ching Reading?

Below you’ll find the two forms, and under that a pay button. Submit the form, then click through the payment gateway.

I only accept a few commissions per month, so there may be a slight waiting list…

Bazi Form

I Ching Form