Have you ever caught two children doing something wrong, and asked each one for the truth of what was happening?
Likely, both will give you a true story – from their perspective.
What is the real nature of truth then?
There’s a book called “The Battle of Waterloo – a series of accounts, by a near observer” that was published in 1815. It’s apparently rather striking, the differing accounts of what happened that day, as seen by the combatants from different armies, and on different parts of the battlefield.
So what was the Truth of Waterloo that day?
Does any one person hold the Absolute Truth of that event. Simply put, the answer has to be No.
Every single person there has their version of the truth. At some stage a General or a Historian writes a round-up account, having spoken to a few people, and then publishes this as the Truth.
As they say, “The Victor always gets to write the History”
In the UK, we celebrate the great British victory over The Spanish Armada of 1588 or the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805..
Nobody ever teaches us about the outcome of the navel battles of Tolon, Tenerife, La Habana, Cartagena, where the British Navy took a drubbing!
There was a project curated by Microsoft about fifteen years ago.
They decided to make a 3D online model of Notre Dame Cathedral.
You could spin round the building, and view it from any angle.
What was so amazing was that the model was created from millions of Tourist photos uploaded to the Microsoft Cloud.
They would “geo-locate” your photo, and then remove you from the photo, taking what was left, and putting them together like a collage, until they had a complete three dimensional model of the Cathedral!
Not one person’s “truth” of Notre Dame, but millions of people’s truth.
It would appear that Truth is actually a rather flexible item then.
In law we have the “Balance of Probabilities” – this is a judgement that is based on the court deciding that the evidence points more heavily in one direction, and therefore judging this to be the Truth.. So, this is essentially an aggregated truth, rather than an absolute one…
I.e. taking stories from most of the combatants and coming up with the final answer…
These days it’s suggested that we are now living in a Post-Truth World.
What seems to have happened here is that for the last century there’s been an erosion of societal standards.
Ideas that have seemed unchangeable, and enshrined in our lives are being challenged.
For the nineteenth and twentieth centuries we were sold the idea that the rich were generally benevolent and could be trusted to look after the poor. This was mostly a lie, perpetrated by the rich of course. The poor were consistently shafted by the rich, but in a subtle and elegant way.
“I’ll show you the road to hell and convince you that you are going to have a great time, when you get there!”
The “Greed is good” era was ushered in by Regan and Thatcher, bringing a more loutish and overt shafting of the poor. “I’m going to show you the road to hell, and then kick you down it, with a grin on my face you dim-wit!”
Traditionally Media had had very clearly defined demographics…
The Time Newspaper talked to the Rich, The Sun Newspaper to the Workers…
You could trust your news outlet to tell you the Truth, as expected by the readership…
Bit by bit, it became obvious that the media was slipping into the hands of fewer and fewer people. The advent of social media increased this polarisation.
There’s an interesting character who emerges in Russia about the turn of the twentieth century.
He’s the man who put Putin into power and destroys all effective opposition.
He’s also the mastermind of Russia’s interference in almost every aspect of World Politics.
His name is Vladislav Yuryevich Surkov.
Surkov is “credited” with the destruction of public “Truth” as we know it.
He’s widely known as the Puppet master.
He was responsible for the rise of Vladimir Putin, Putin’s two terms in power, Putin’s switch with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev for one term, and his switch back once more to power, ensuring himself continuous power, and circumnavigating the political failsafes – all masterminded by Surkov. Surkov is also credited with Russia’s “Little Green Men” who “took over” the Crimea in 2014…
It’s this game, that leads to the rise of people like President Trump, Ex Prime minister Boris Johnson in the UK, Prime minister Gorgia Meloni in Italy and the rising star in the UK – Nigel Farage.
But whilst these people are popularised as playing fast and loose with the Truth, it has to be said that the Truth they are playing fast and loose with is an establishment “Truth” that’s been owned for many years by the ruling classes.
They are breaking with the status quo and questioning the veracity of this so called Truth.
We’ve been drilled for so many years to accept the version of the story that suits our “Elders and Betters” that this new assault seems to be shocking and wrong.. but that’s only down to our conditioning..
Looking back over the past half-century , and then being offered another five years of the same, many people are opting for the answer – NO!
To suggest that everything is “just fine” is not a point that many thinking people would agree with.
Whether you think of the current crop of populist politicians as a “good Idea” doesn’t seem to be here or there at the moment, people are just gasping for change.
Perhaps we are looking for the change we wish to see, in the wrong places.
The people who own these processes seem to come from the same places.
They go to the top schools, through the top universities and through the banking or legal world.
Be they left of centre, or right of centre, they seem only too happy to thieve each-other’s policies, and try to occupy as much of the middle ground as possible..
Sadly, the “Average” is actually a place where almost everybody misses out.
Aiming for the average means that only the core centre ever thrives, but maybe 40% on the left, and 40% on the right would disagree.
There’s a story about the designing and making of seats for the Spitfire fighter plane in World War Two.
They took all the measurements of all their pilots, and averaged them out to make ONE seat to fit all, everybody complained of the discomfort..
Clearly about 80% of their pilots were NOT average..
They then created a seat with five different positions, and suddenly everybody was relatively comfortable… The Average is a difficult place to be…
If our die-stamped, beige politicians, who are all trying to occupy the middle ground are not the people to help us, then who?
We have had a series of failed experiments to the Far Left, and to the Far Right.
Nobody wants to have to go through these shocking farses again.
That would seem to rule out ALL of the political spectrum then.
What’s next?
Daoism would have it that ANY rule is wrong and pointless.
Lao Tzu suggests that when “the government lets the people free without commanding them, they tend to live together and unite without fighting.”
Or that “truly effective leaders do not enforce their will upon subordinates, but rather they enable staff to accomplish work activities to the best of their ability. The leader should be omnipresent but subtle and almost unnoticeable.”
Could we ever return to a path, where we all just get on with our own things?
The crisis that faces Earth today is that of too many people.
Somewhere in the 1920’s the perfect balance of humans was surpassed.
Some Climate scientists suggest that by 2050, we will need the resources of THREE Earth’s to keep our desires going, if they don’t abate.
Science seems to have limited the truth in many areas of our lives.
It would seem that something can’t exist until it’s been proven multiple times (and then published in one of the mighty journals..)
In Zhineng Qigong we frequently encounter ideas that Science has told us cannot possibly be true, and therefore can’t exist.
Science’s Limited Truth has never bothered to look in these areas (generally, because there’s no profit to be made..) and so claims that things that seem quite common-place in Qigong circles are fake news..
I’m glad to say that as Truth, no longer seems to exist anymore, that I’m now happy to publish Qigong stories as 100% fact, and the rest of you be damned!
Grab your lawyers, and come get me… I’m ready to debate the nature of truth with any of you!
Don’t tell us we can live to be over 100 years old!
My Teacher Leonard Orr told me that he had met more that ten people who were over 375 years old! (He set the benchmark at 375, and says he’s met many more who were between 100 and 375 years old!
My Teachers told me that they had witnessed more that a dozen people who grew a tooth back in the 50’s and 60’s!
I’ve seen a photo of Dr Pang (The Founder of Zhineng Qigong) where he’s partially see-through..
I’ve seen a man who could set a ball of paper alight just by holding his palm above it.
I’ve watched my teacher fire a large adult male 5 meter’s across a room, feet off the floor, without actually touching him.
And on a more useful note, I’ve seen people who have cured themselves of multiple cancers, and many chronic illnesses.
These are my Truths…
These are Truths that I share with many people in the Qigong world.
It’s time for you to decide what truths you want to follow.
Do you want to stay inside these broken systems, or do you want to find another way?
I’m putting out calls to start building a centre in Europe.
Portugal is my chosen location. It’s on the far-flung fringes of Europe, it’s cheap to purchase wonderful land, and there are many open-minded people here.
Dr Pang had a dream to open a Qigong City, why not let’s try to make that come true?
I’m talking about a centre for learning; learning alternative technologies, alternative health, alternative education methods, alternative farming techniques, and a new way of running society.
A Society that’s immune to manipulation for profit.
We can learn a great deal from such communities as Findhorn, who have go through all the pains of understanding community, and have built systems that now function.
Please contact me if you’d like to invest in such a community.
If you are interested, you could also look at https://basecamp-ecoresorts.com/ who run a similar model as the one I’m proposing.
The essence, is an investment for you, that pays back well compared to a bank investment.
The opportunity to be part of an amazing community.
The chance to support the Zhineng Qigong world, and be embedded in it for the rest of your life..
I’ve created a website at http://24days.org/
It gives an idea of the healing programme that I’d like to run at such a centre, and a few ideas about building said centre..
Please sign-up on this website to receive details of the “Investment Funding model,” (Not mentioned on this website yet..) as it becomes available – the first draft will be released in early 2025
Hao La – (Mean’s “Everything is good already!” in Chinese)